
- Objective
- Activity
- Financing

- Objective

The Middle East Pact (MEP) is a non-governmental organisation created in January 2008. Its purpose is to encourage the emergence of a unified pacifist space, based on the respect of human dignity, democracy, equality between sexes and of human rights as well as of those of all minorities. It aims to rally the representatives of Middle Eastern associations, democratic political parties and individual lobbyists around a pact of regional construction.

Open to all democratic and non-violent orientations present amongst the Middle Eastern civil society, whether they be political, social or cultural. The MEP is not directed against any State, community or international organisation. It aims to stimulate the civil society of the region in the respect of international law and state sovereignty. It formally condemns any act of force which intentionally provokes civilian casualties, whatever the institutional nature of the perpetrators may be, and for whatever cause to which it refers, whether political, religious, or ideological.


The Middle East is an area of civilisation which corresponds to the territories shared out today between the various national entities which appear on the map. It is traditionally made up of five zones, divided according to geographical, cultural and demographic considerations:

Egypt (Arab Republic of Egypt);
Turkey (Republic of Turkey);
Iran (Islamic Republic of Iran);
The Fertile Crescent (Republic of Iraq, State of Israel, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Republic of Lebanon, Palistinian National Authority, Syrian Arab Republic);
Arabia (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, State of Kuwait, State of Qatar, Sultanate of Oman, Republic of Yemen).

- Activity

Based in Paris, the MEP operates as a study and information group by means of its reports and analyses. It acts as a pressure group through the influence it exerts on European decisional bodies: the European Parliament, the European Commission, parliaments, authorities, national governments, NGO’s and civil society organisations. Furthermore, it acts as an instrument of coordination between different reformist movements of the Middle East as well as between minority representatives.

The activities of the MEP aim to promote transnational solidarity as well as a genuine spirit of regional integration, by on the one hand consistently presenting non-Arabic components of the Middle East (Turkey, Iran, Israel) as legitimate and integral parts of the region, and on the other hand by reinforcing the visibility of minority groups both national (Kurdish, Turcoman, Armenian, Circassians…) and religious (Coptic, Maronite, Assyrian, Alevi, Druze, Yazidi, Bahà’i, Zoroastrien…). At the same time, it intends to increase the visibility of democratic reformist movements of the Middle East by increasing the media exposure of their conferences and symposiums.

- Financing

In order to carry through its activities, the MEP must face unavoidable expenses: payment of salaries to permanent employees, rent of offices, management of the web-site, travel expenses for political meetings, press conferences and participation in demonstrations. The best way to help the MEP is by giving financial aid. The accounting of the organisation is managed by an accredited accountancy firm.

Here are a few areas in which the MEP equally needs help:

• Correction of texts in English and in French;
• Translation of texts English-French and French-English;
• The sending of texts which contributes to obtaining its objectives;
• Establishing contact with leaders of opinion (politicians, intellectuals, journalists, leaders of associations) interested in its action;
• Promotion of its activities and development of its web site.

The opportunity to support the MEP is open to all who hope for the evolution of the Middle East towards a democratic and pacifist union which respects all its constituents, that its voice may be heard on the international stage.

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